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Why Choose Us?

Immersive Experiences: At KTC, we don’t just string together locations for sightseeing. We specialize in Tourism Design, crafting engaging and immersive experiences for our travelers. Through extensive research, we carefully sequence activities and destinations to make each tour unique and unforgettable, taking into account the current season and its offerings. With KTC, you’ll never have a typical sightseeing trip, but rather an immersive and memorable experience.

Local Experiences: The true essence of Konkan lies in its culture, lifestyle, and cuisine. We have carefully selected local stays and homestays that offer the authentic Konkan experience. Our experiences are unique and built with love. Check out our Google reviews to see what our clients have to say: https://g.page/konkantravelclub?share

Ever-evolving Experiences: Your every tour with KTC can be customized to be unique from the previous. Our team conducts village expeditions every month to discover new and unique stays and experiences from the hinterlands of Konkan. Our region is full of natural marvels and amazing people that never stop surprising us. We follow a continuous feedback loop to improve our experiences.

Conscious Business: What do we mean when we say we’re a conscious business? It means we take conscious efforts to ensure an ethical and fair supply chain. We are aware of the short-term and long-term effects of tourism on the environment and strive to create sustainable tourism hubs in our villages. Your very trip with KTC helps us get closer to our goals.

KTC Travel Pamphlet Trifold Brochure (1)

What we do?

In simple terms- we design trips to be memorable!

  • Long Trips: Hidden Gems, Retreats, Excursions & Expeditions in the hinterlands of Konkan
  • Weekend Trips
  • Wilderness Camps
  • One Day Experiences- Beach Camps, Scuba, Boat Safaris, Treks & Trails

Where? We operate in Sindhudurg, Mh, India.


No Hidden Costs

No hidden fees, unnecessary cost-cutting, or partnering with stays solely for higher commission. Our immersive experiences provide true value, with clear and open communication throughout your journey with us. Trust us to always be upfront about end cost to you.

Dedicated Team

Our team is not only highly skilled but also excellent company. Treat them well, and they will pamper you with the utmost care and attention. We take great pride in the people of Konkan, who are known for their warm and welcoming hospitality. Our trained team is no exception.

Save Time and Effort

Leave the Work to Us! Planning a holiday can be a daunting and stressful task, especially in offbeat Konkan. Let us take care of the research and organization for you, so you can sit back and enjoy your vacation. With us, you can relax and enjoy your trip, knowing that everything has been taken care of.

Value Tourism

At KTC, we don't just provide an organized trip - we create an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime. While you may arrive looking for a good time, we guarantee that you'll leave with much more. Don't just take our word for it - experience it for yourself and create unforgettable memories with us.

How to Join us?

Explore Konkan with #KTC

  • Private Trips: Tailor a personalized trip just for you, anytime!
  • Join Upcoming Trips: Join our scheduled trips and embark on unforgettable experiences with like-minded adventurers.
  • Customize Group Trips: Create a customized trip for yourself and let us invite others to join you on the same dates. Share the adventure with new friends!

Contact us on WhatsApp to start planning your unforgettable vacation today!

At KTC, we believe that each season holds its own allure and beauty. That’s why we have curated unique and captivating experiences for all six Ritus: Vasant (Spring), Grishma (Summer), Varsha (Monsoon), Sharad (Autumn), Hemant (Pre-winter), and Shishir (Winter). Each season brings a transformation in the natural landscapes, and we embrace these changes to create unforgettable journeys for you.

Not only do our trip locations adapt to the different ritus, but we also celebrate the culinary diversity of Malvani cuisine. As nature shifts, so do the flavors and food habits, allowing you to savor the unique gastronomic delights associated with each ritu.

Discover the magic of every Ritu with KTC and immerse yourself in an enchanting blend of nature, culture, and delectable cuisine.

Experience Konkan in a different light.

One thing you should not miss in Konkan is its heart warming local hospitality. The true Konkan Experience can only be had by firsthand witnessing the lifestyle, cuisine and culture in our villages. Villages here have boundless learnings to offer you in form of traditional wisdom, food habits, a culture shift and lateral development for you & especially the children in growing years. 

Our Homestays offer more than just a place to stay, but an unforgettable experience of true Konkan hospitality, complete with delicious authentic Malvani food. While we have a range of stays available, from Homestays to unique Luxury stays, know that staying in a Homestay is a unique cultural journey that will leave you with a sense of contentment.


KTC Community

Together we create.

Each one of us is unique- and can bring in a new perspective to what a community can do to better our lives and the lives of others. KTC Community is a place for just that. When different points of view come together to sync in tandem with the right tools, it creates a powerful symphony. One of the prime goals of KTC has always been to foster a sense of community. The community programme is everything you would want it to be- It will include a variety of events focused on learning, fun, collaboration, social responsibility, field trips, picnics, events, competitions, and more. The community membership is designed for locals who want to make a real impact; nevertheless, traveler community members may join some events based on invite.

Konkan culture trip
Konkan Tour
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Latest Projects

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Latest News

KTC Internship and Seminar on Village Development Programme


Our mission is to create enriching travel experiences that go beyond sightseeing, leaving a positive impact on travelers, the environment, and local communities.


Konkan: Our vision is to showcase the natural beauty, diverse culture, rich heritage, and delicious cuisine of Konkan through immersive travel experiences that foster sustainability, community involvement, and cultural appreciation.

Travel: We aim to design and deliver experiences that surpass expectations, enrich the lives of our clients and forge meaningful connections with the people, places, and cultures they encounter.

Club: We strive to build a vibrant community of travelers, locals, and like-minded individuals who share our passion for sustainable tourism and Konkan’s rich culture.

By integrating the core values of each word of our company name, we envision a future where KTC is synonymous with sustainable, responsible, and transformative tourism. We strive to inspire travelers all over the world to explore the beauty and diversity of the Konkan region while contributing to its economic, social, and environmental well-being. Our ultimate goal is to create positive change and leave a lasting impact on the people and places we encounter, as well as on the travel industry as a whole.

Have something in mind?

Give us a Call

What Our Clients Have To Say?

Pooja Soni Traveler

This has been such an epic experience. Thank you for showing us a side ok konkan, we couldn’t even imagine, existed outside a postcard. Every experience was so unique and special.. we are going to remember this forever. Also, with the children and the chaos and the late mornings, you guys always delivered whatever you promised and also more than that. Always smiled and laughed and kept us engaged in experiences. The homestay, the beaches, the tent.. everything was magical to say the least. Thank you again for this. We are coming back soon. ❤️ And thank you for best birthday celebration. The place you found was beyond Amazing and the arrangement was so beautiful. Don’t remember ever having celebrated like this. Love you guys. All the best. You are definitely going places.

team 4
Aayushi Yadav Avid Traveler and Trekker

Where do I even begin, I visited a part of Konkan a few years back & I was sure that I will come back again & now when I got a chance to visit it again I had a completely different experience from the last time I was here. Man what a memorable time I spent during my stay here from witnessing a local play (Mahashivratri special from night to dawn) to food trails to hidden gems (beaches, a lesser known sea fort & a natural pool). The best part of the tour was definitely our homestay & the warm hospitality we received was a very humbling experience. The last couple of days have been overwhelming. Thank you so much Konkan travel club for hosting us & making us a part of your rich culture & lifestyle. See you guys again very soon 🙂

Team 3
Rishikesh Rane Traveler

It was a 4 days tour and we enjoyed it thoroughly..the secret beach, secret island, the homestay, Daji and his family, malvani food everything was fabulous and smoothly planned by KTC . Pratik,Nilesh,Chatur and Yasir were nice friends cum guides. To be honest I am going to bring my mother to enjoy the village life style and malvani food here next time around. Thank you KTC for this memorable trip.

team 4
Riddhi Trivedi Youtube Vlogger

Where do I even start about my trip with Konkan travel club...Me and my husband had the most amazing 2 days exploring offbeat Konkan with them. If it would not have been for Konkan travel club we would have never ever experienced the rural, local authentic konkan side. The experience of staying with locals, eating their local delicacies, experiencing unexplored hidden gems of Konkan is what only Konkan travel club can make you experience. Prateik is a perfect host, very curious informative, knowledgeable and helpful. We were confused of how to, where to start he helped us bring clarity shared us a perfect itinerary as per our tastes and preferences and we were sold. We have made some amazing connections with Aji and Ajoba of the house we stayed at. Highly recommend them. If visiting Konkan then, what are you waiting for just go ahead and contact Konkan travel club.

team 4
Soniya Solanki Traveler

Thank you pratik for organizing everything so perfect. Your each team member wer amazing . I loved everything about you guys from handling us to entertaining us. Thanks amul , mayur , yaseer , viraj for being a good leader ⭐ even i met nilesh sir . He is a gem of a person . I wld sure like to meet u guys again . I wish great succes to KTC .

team 4
Mumpy Das Avid Traveler

Not just a trip but a therapy! Didn't know lockdown would hit again and will be all isolated, but my gut feeling said this trip should be a now or never calling. And yes, random plans work and it worked again this time but with Konkan Travel Club. These guys chalked out our plan in a Span of two days and we booked it with them.. it was just 2 of us and all 3 of them pampered us like anything. With zero network, this break was most awaited. Right from Daji kaka's lip smacking food to Onkar, Richa and pratik's hospitality everything was bang on! Secret locations, endless shopping and the overall vibe made me forget lockdown blues. I'm glad I took this trip.... I don't regret being caged now and once the curfew is off I am again going back here..To come back with more stories...Keep it up guys!!! 2

team 4
Devika Saraf Traveler

Where to start from... Amazing people amazing places.. Amazing food... And most importantly the treatment they provide ... I booked an private staycation and trip for me and my friend who came from abroad ( the reason behind telling this detail is I wished for everything authentic malvni and konanki experience) .. KTC said you just sit relax and he will smile... They kept their promise.. We started off with amazing waterfalls temple and authentic food a nice cozy stay to relax.. The next day was even beautiful they planned beach stay like literally you just have to look up and there you go sea beach happy place.. At night we stayed by the beach in tent under the sky near water like a dream fairy tail (ps not exaggerating) and the next day we saw a fort blue lagoon beach and yes last day I wished for a surprise party and tadaa... KTC arranged that as well for us in goa... Again cozy stay music cake foood sea.. Again fairy tail... Thank you so much for this amazing experience and wish to come back soon.. 💝

Kunal Buchake Traveler

Yes you guys have delivered 100% infact I would say 200%, Because you guys bring this priceless smile to my princess face :)...the food, hospitality, stays, locations everything was awesome. I wish to become guest of KTC again and again. Special thanks to my daughters new best friend Richa 🙂

“Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets” ~ Oscar Wilde

The foundation of KTC is built upon the ideology explained in the below video by Captain Raghu Raman. The principle being- 'Upscaling the unorganized tourism opportunities and building on the local potential by providing the necessary tools and grooming'. We believe there is a lot at stake in our villages that needs to be preserved and highlighted. And our means of doing it will be a pioneer in shaping the socio-economic stature of the region. You might better understand what I say by understanding the video below. 


Prateik Gawade, 8669810485
Email: pratikgawade1@gmail.com


Mochemad, Vengurla, Sindhudurg, MH -416518

Our hours

10:00 AM – 18.00 PM
Monday – Sunday