Community Membership

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KTC Tribe Membership

KTC Tribe is a community membership for locals with access to our experiences, merchandise and exclusive events. Our community programme is designed to augment the creative potential of its members through new unique experiences and to learn & unlearn together in this community.

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Membership Benefits for Members

  1. Access to KTC Experiences: Trips, camps, one-day experiences and more..[Add to list]
  2. Like Minded Community: Network and indulge in creative and fun community building activities with like-minded people.
  3. Personal Growth: We will provide high-value resources (workshops, events, certification, educational experiences etc.) to give the members a platform to test their potential in the real world. 
  4. Community Events: Exclusive invite to our specially designed community events. Take part in creating events and KTC will make the resources available.
  5. Interest Mapping: We will map your interests to dynamically design events to hone team’s creative potential as well as to suggest you travel experiences.
  6. Local Heroes: Collaborate in fun sessions with the local heroes.
  7. Rewards Programme: You can take part in KTC’s team brainstorming sessions and we will celebrate and reward members for valuable contributions in design/ideation/referrals.
  8. Certification: Certified completion of community program stating community engagement, volunteer work and achievement. 
  9. Member Points: Earn member points to enter new higher leagues and you can actively play a part in steering the community in the right direction.
  10. Merch: Hands on our Premium Merchandise.

Membership Benefits for KTC

  1. Stable Cash Flow: Because members pay monthly dues, it’s fairly simple to calculate and forecast cash flow.
  2. Lower Costs of Business: Invite based access to our experiences will ensure free seats are occupied.
  3. Fast, Direct Feedback from Members: If your membership services are off, it’s easy to tell. Members will stop coming to events, stop visiting your website, and stop reading your emails. Plus members are more likely to share feedback with you, because it’s in their interest to keep the organization providing high value.
  4. The Ability to Change a Community: We will provide high-value resources (workshops, events, certification, educational experiences etc.) to our members essentially uplifting a whole community of like-minded individuals. This is on top of all the networking opportunities exchanged through members. 
  5. Access to Exclusive Data: Organizations that build a community are able to track member behavior — which events they’re interested in, how often they open emails, etc. Understanding this data presents an opportunity to fine-tune your membership model to gain more members, reduce costs, and increase member retention.
  6. Additional Revenue Opportunities: On top of member dues, members can also be sold merchandise (like hats and shirts), and will pay for events. If you have enough members, you can also gain sponsorship from companies wishing to advertise to your members.
  7. Creative input from Community. 

How to onboard members?

Once Membership is launched, we will need to track the progress and execution of the service.

1) Join Date

2) Reason for Joining

3) "How did you hear about us?"

4) Event Registrations & Attendance

5) Donation Amount: Regional Development activity in donor's Village.

6) Willingness to Volunteer

7) Profile Information

8) Membership Level

9) Renewal Date

10) Member Payment Status Are You a Member Database Pro?

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast


Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great

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Member Onboarding

Registration, selection and interest mapping to be done. Data to be stored.

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One important thing to remember is that nothing engages a member more than a personal experience — either a personalized email, phone call, or in-person interaction. Giving your members personal experiences is crucial to building engagement from the ground up.

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A good membership model has processes in place to measure member engagement levels and identify problem areas should they arise (member engagement, event RSVPs, etc.).

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Progress of community program design and launch.

List Structure, service description and benefits
Networking and listing inclusions
Content Creation
Web design
Marketing Strategy


Our Recent work.

Pricing Plan

Cost analysis and decide on pricing plan and type


$ 00.0 /Month

Full Access Library
2 Multiple User
24/7 Support


$ 1.99 /Month

Full Access Library
4 Multiple User
24/7 Support

All Access

$ 3.99 /Month

Full Access Library
6 Multiple User
24/7 Support


$ 5.99 /Month

Full Access Library
8 Multiple User
24/7 Support

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